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The Project finally started in April 2024!

The Behaviour Project is an experimental project that focuses on the “behaviours” that we casually engage in in our daily lives, and explores the origins and future of behaviours. Two dancers from three countries, Japan, China, and South Korea, who are experts in physical expression, were invited to participate in the project, and a total of six dancers visited and stayed in Tokyo, Beijing, and Seoul. In various places such as shopping centres and office districts, we conduct fieldwork on the behaviour of people living in cities. Then, with the cooperation of various professionals related to behaviour, such as historians, economists, designers, and sociologists, we analyse the origins and future of behaviour, and distribute the activities in the form of articles and documentaries. Then, in February 2025, we will present a new “behaviour” that each dancer wants to be as an exhibition / performance. In addition, based on these questions, we will work with companies and governments to redesign the behaviour of society at our own will.

We live within common sense and customs that have been taken for granted in society so far. When I was a child, I was told that men and women should be like this, and that what my parents and seniors said was absolute. However, I believe that such habits should change depending on the state of society that people living in that era want to be. Until a few decades ago, various forms of harassment that are considered to be a problem in society today, as well as human relationships within groups such as Johnny’s and Takarazuka, were also treated as “natural,” and I feel that the customs of people who have survived while enduring the stress of the group have become problems because they collide with the values of the current era.

Behaviour is an action that we do every day as a matter of course. How we behave in front of our bosses and how we behave toward our parents and children may be trivial things in our daily lives, but they are also moments that embody the state of society today. How we behave is a series of social judgments. “Why do we behave the way we do?” and “Can we change our behaviour on our own?” I believe that this question will be the driving force for “redesigning” the society we want to be.

We live in a democratic society. I believe that it is important for the realisation of a better society to be able for each and every one of us to think about and discuss the state of society, to reconsider our common sense and customs, and to be able to “redesign” our common sense and habits in order to realise the society we want to be. One of the “redesigns” is for politicians and managers to make major changes to the system, but in the sense that the accumulation of each and every one of us in our daily lives constitutes society as a result, I believe that changing our daily “behaviour” will also lead to major changes in society.

We believe that it will be a valuable activity that will create a future society by making the project a project in which many people question their daily behaviour, common sense, and habits through the questions raised by the Behaviour Project, and gradually change their daily behaviour through concrete actions.

The activities of the Behaviour Project will be shared in various forms such as articles introducing the activities, documentary video works, performances, and exhibitions. Information will also be posted on this website. We will also send you the latest information in our e-mail newsletter and Instagram, so we hope you will join us for events! Daisuke Nakazawa Project Leader Artist, Designer & Storyteller